
ACBSP Accreditation

Accreditation of an institution is the result of an external body reviewing the processes of an organization, the qualifications of its personnel, and the student assessment processes in place to drive student learning. At the school level, the School of Economics & Management (SEM) is pursuing accreditation by Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). SEM falls under this accreditation along with each of its four undergraduate programs under it:

Business Administration(Bachelor of Management)

Accounting (Bachelor of Management)

International Economics & Trade (Bachelor of Economics)

Economics & Finance (Bachelor of Economics)


Current Sutdents


Policies & Regulations

Student Achievement



Business Administration TBA

Accounting TBA

Economics TBA


Current Undergraduate Programs

Business Administration


International Economics & Trade

Economics & Finance


Faculty / Staff

Human Resource

Faculty CV

Recruitment Plan

Recruitment Policies

Online Recruitment System

Junior Faculty Association


About SEM

School of Economics & Management

SEM Leadership

○ SEM Organizational Chart

○ Business Program's Organizational Chart


Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission Statement




Student Achievement

The School of Economics & Management (SEM) identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the School's mission, the nature of the studentss it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. These are aligned with the School's Strategic Plan, Mission, and Vision of being a regional leader in business education!

Goal A - Engaging Student Success

   ◆ Objective 1. Improve on-schedule degree completion

   ◆ Objective 2. Increase student enrollment

   ◆ Objective 3. Recruit, retain, and support excellent faculty

   ◆ Objective 4. Enhance students' educational experience

Student Achievement

○ The Strategic Plan of SEM (2018-2023)

Institutional Effectiveness



SEM Assessment Plan

SEM Assessment


Regulations, Policies, Rules and Standard Administrative Procedures

NCUT Regulations

NCUT Policies

NCUT Rules

NCUT Standard Administrative Procedures


Scholarly Activities

NCUT Scholarly Activities

Research Institutions


Career Service

NCUT Career Service

SEM Career Service


Experimental Center, Laboratory, Library

Economic Management Experimental Center

Net Security and Informatization Center




SEM Alumni


News Bulletin


NCUT Online Newspaper

Academic Lecture


Logistics Service

Online Service Centre

Canteens & Restaurants

Student Apartment Service

Maintenance Service

Office Building Service

Campus Supermarket Service

Printing Service

Communication Service

Latest Information

Application Forms


Complaints & Reports

NCUT President Office

NCUT Party Secretary Office

Letters & Visits

CPC Test

金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城经济与管理学院CPC考试通知2023-2024学年 (2020级)

金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城经济与管理学院CPC考试通知2023-2024学年 (2021级)

金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城经济与管理学院CPC考试通知2023-2024学年 (2022级)


Contact Info

Main Office: Office 204, Buliding One, No. 5 Jinyuanzhuang Road, Shijingshan District Beijing, P.R. China 100144.

Tel: +86 (010) 88802689

Fax: +86 (010) 88802689





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